Since 1937, Normandeau Trucking, Inc has been a service-based company. Started by Ernest Normandeau, the company has been continually owned by the Normandeau family over the generations. Our company is known for quality, service and a “can do” attitude.

Normandeau Trucking, Inc. has been and still is to this day a family of companies. In the beginning, the company was involved in general trucking of goods such as ice, sugar and paper goods, as well as one of the signature services of the company—moving. Over the decades, we added services and products to the business such as waste and recycling services to become the area’s largest company. In later years, the stone businesses came into being with McCormack/Whitco Memorials being added, as well as Normandeau Stone for architectural stone such as granite countertops. In all cases, the Normandeau family did not just start or buy a business. The family saw an opportunity to bring those businesses to another level in terms of never before seen quality, innovation or service. We pride ourselves on redefining the benchmark!

There is a philosophy or attitude of how to do the job better, safer, and with better customer service than anyone else—with unique services or products. All employees arrive with that schooled into them. It is this attitude that has earned the company its award-winning reputation for workmanship and dedication.

Members of BBB, NHMTA, AMSA, NHMTA SIGT, the local Chamber, as well as other trade associations.

For more information and a free quote, please contact us
Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–4:00 pm
Phone: (800) 408-1965
    Fax: (603) 636-1671.

You can email us at [email protected]
Appointments weekends and nights are available.